IBS & Gut Health Dietitian

Filtering by Tag: detox

Grapefruit, Berry & Passionfruit juice

I had the pleasure of a gastro bug inhabiting my insides over the weekend - not fun!! As a result I feel pretty low in energy and in need if some serious nourishment! So what do you do when you need to get feel-good nutrients in ASAP? You juice!!! 20130305-173506.jpg


I was drinking this on my way to work this morning as people were driving past me with their coffee cups in hand.

20130305-173810.jpgNothing like a shot of vitamins flooding the system to make you feel alive again!

Grapefruit, berry & passionfruit juice

1 grapefruit 1/2 a fresh beetroot 1/3 of a cup frozen berries 1 passionfruit

Juice the grapefruit and beetroot. Pour juice into blender with berries and blend. Pour into glass and top with passionfruit!


Don't worry...the beetroot doesn't have any taste - all it does is add a beautiful colour to your juice and lips and add an extra boost of magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, and betaine - a compound that keeps your blood vessels healthy and reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease!

Yes please!

What is your favourite juice combination?